Monday, August 19, 2013


The good news is that my alarm went off this morning - unlike yesterday morning.  I had set a second alarm for this morning in case the first one didn't go off and sure enough the first one didn't make a sound.  Anyway as a result of the second alarm going off, I was able to head out the door for my morning run.

At 6 am its still dark here in Singapore - so every morning all year round I head off in the dark - the good thing about it being dark is that the blazing sun isn't up yet - although at 6 am it was still 27 degrees with high humidity.

As I had missed my run yesterday I thought I had better make up for it and run for an hour - its only about 14 weeks until the marathon and I should really be able to run comfortably for about 90 minutes when the real training starts on the 1st September - 12 weeks out from the Race Day.

My run took me along the river and back through the Tiong Bahru Park - I took a few photos to show you the sights....It's amazing to see so many people up and exercising so early in the morning.....

Here is one group of people working out - there are pockets of groups like this all over the park.

Here is the path that takes me through the park - it really is pretty in the morning.

Anyway, whilst out for my morning run enjoying the sights I was reflecting on the diet debate - Mikki (nutritionist) has suggested I only eat food that hasn't been processed until I see her in a few weeks and not to mix the Dukan diet and LCHF as I am likely to pick the foods from each diet that I like the most and avoid those I don't like as much - you know me so well Mikki :). So there are a few foods that I will remove altogether and just try eating 'real' food and see what happens.  I will keep you posted.

After I finished my hours run I arrived home, had a good stretch and then enjoyed replacing all the fluid lost from training in the humidity - I have been using Nuun tablets to replace the salt.

There is nothing like starting the day with a run - it really sets you up well- but now its time to head off to work - hope you have a great day - see you tomorrow.


  1. I feel this is a bit deja vu for me. 6am and an hours run for me too this morning. Feel way better having completed my exercise before starting the day....loving thr posts to date...look forward to reading more!!

  2. Can't wait for you to see Mikki to see what she has to say! Love the photos, it looks like a gorgeous route you take :o)

  3. Shouldn't you of run a bit longer given that you were taking photos along the way.... just kidding :)
    Good on you for getting out in that heat in the first place. I'm mighty impressed
