We sat out in the balmy evening with a bottle of New Zealand wine and enjoyed the absolutely gorgeous view - this was taken from our room as the sun was going down - how lucky are we.

This morning we were up early and down to the buffet - that was an adventure in itself - there was food for every culture and taste bud. There were also some interesting sights wondering around the restaurant - how beautiful.
Anyway once breakfast was over we wanted to make the most of our morning so we readied ourselves for a morning by the pool. The kids all had a great time on the water slides while Morag, Kirsty and I lay in the recliners enjoying the lime juice and sunshine.....and some other interesting sights....what was that walking by?
However, there is a marathon to run in a few months and given we were checking out of this gorgeous hotel at lunchtime I thought it would be a good idea to run home. I checked out the temperature
and realised it was pretty hot especially given it was the middle of the day and the sun was blazing - so I put my cap and sun glasses on, grabbed my water bottle and headed off. It was a gorgeous run out of Sentosa although I hadn't realised the pedestrian walkway would literally stop halfway out of resort park and so I had to run down the freeway which was a fairly freaky feeling. A policeman on a motor bike took a double take but thankfully couldn't stop as I am sure he wouldn't have been impressed. Once I found my way out of the area and halfway home, Kirsty and the children flew by me in the taxi and waved - perhaps an air conditioned ride home might have been better than heading home on foot in this heat.....Anyway, I arrived safely home in just under an hour, saturated from the humidity and very pleased I was able to include some training as part of an amazing 24 hours such a short distance from home.
It WAS awesome, and even better having you there as part of the family xx